I'm a UX Designer, Data Storyteller, and former Full-stack Web Developer

␥About me

Clients I have worked with

␥ Projects

␥ Art expression & feeling

␥ My work philosophy

␥ Download my resume

␥ Contact me here

␥About me


<aside> 🧗🏻‍♀️ I love pushing myself to the limits and beyond


<aside> 👋🏻 I am deeply passionate about understanding people's problems and helping them in whatever way I can, whether through products, digital applications, or intangible solutions. I'm fascinated by people in crowded places, although many say the same about isolated, remote places. However, for me, it's like listening to multiple stories at once and observing how they interact with their surroundings. I love people and their stories, my social media is filled with illustrations, pictures, and poems of people.


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Clients I have worked with

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